Instaow #14 – Plastic Soup Foundation

En cherchant un truc sur instagram, je suis tombé sur le compte de la Plastic Soup Foundation et je voulais relayer leur campagne

La Plastic Soup Foundation est comme son nom l’indique une fondation ayant pour objet de réduire notre conso de plastique et surtout de réduire à néant notre rejet de plastique. S’il y a bien un truc qui me rend fou c’est de toujours trouver des bouteilles ou des poches plastiques quand je cours dans la forêt ou que je vais en randonnée. Ca vous le fait pas vous ? Bref, je trouvais ces affiches sur les équivalences dans plastique très bien faite. N’hésitez donc pas à les partager même sans nous citer, c’est pas grave.

Leur site :
Et en bonus, un site à eux très bien fait sur comment réduire son empreinte plastique :


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Did you know that your grooming routine might be contributing to the 2 BILLION razors and cartridges disposed off each year? 🤯 (That’s only if you are using disposable razors!) —————— Easy swap tip 🔄: a metal razor! Yes, this quick fix existed since the beginning of times, and you can use them till the end of times. 😌 —————— You can find many more such tips to eliminate unnecessary and easily avoidable plastic in your daily life. REGISTER 📝 for the ULTIMATE PLASTIC DIET today! #linkinbio👆 🖼: @audevangalen . . . #didyouknow #metalrazor #diet #tips #easy #plastic #singleuseplastic #plasticrazor #groom #tilltheend #thebeginning #theend #dailylife #ultimate #quickfix #grooming #razors #swap #billions #lives #contribute #exist #begin #elimination #plasticsoup #zerowastetips #reusable #plasticwaste

Une publication partagée par Plastic Soup Foundation (@plasticsoupfoundation) le


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Did you know that more often than not, to-go coffee cups or smoothie cups🥤are made of plastic? Even paper cups are lined with a plastic coating on the inside, making them non-recyclable. ♻️🚫 —————— Easy swap tip 🔄: Reusable coffee cups are so diverse that you can use them for anything, be it tea, smoothies, or any other liquid. Having one with you at all times is a great way to reduce your plastic consumption!🤗 —————— You can find many more such tips to eliminate unnecessary and easily avoidable plastic in your daily life. REGISTER 📝 for the ULTIMATE PLASTIC DIET today! #linkinbio👆 🖼: @audevangalen . . . #togo #togocup #cups #togolife #coffeetogo #teatogo #plasticlid #ultimateplasticdiet #plasticdiet #plastic #reusables #reusable #reusablecup #plasticfree #plasticwaste #singleuseplastic #singleusesucks #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #greenmatters #noplastic #learngreen #livegreen #diettip #dietingtips #amsterdam #saveearth🌍

Une publication partagée par Plastic Soup Foundation (@plasticsoupfoundation) le


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HAPPY INTERNATIONAL STRAW FREE DAY 🥤🚫♻️ Are you ready to share your #strawfree or #plasticstrawfree picture and tag us? 😍 —————— Easy swap tip 🔄: There are so many easy alternatives to plastic straws available out there. Our favourites are the metal straws from @kleankanteen or the straws from @strawbystraw or bamboo straws from @sipster.straws 🤩 —————— You can find many more such tips to eliminate unnecessary and easily avoidable plastic in your daily life. REGISTER 📝 for the ULTIMATE PLASTIC DIET today! #linkinbio👆 🖼: @audevangalen . . . #strawfreeday #journeesanspaille #internationalstrawfreeday #plasticstrawssuck #stopsucking #youdontsuck #reusablestraw #plasticfree #plasticalternative #linkinbio #metalstraw #sipsterstraw #strawbystraw #singleuseplastic #getnaked #nakeddrinks #drinkswithoutstraws #strawlessocean #dontsuck #zerowatse #wastefree #plasticfreeliving #plasticsoup #plasticpollution #worldwide #amsterdam

Une publication partagée par Plastic Soup Foundation (@plasticsoupfoundation) le


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Did you know that tea bags which appear to be made of only paper, may sometimes also contain plastic? ☕️☕️☕️ The added plastic, however, is rarely mentioned on the packaging, and the consumer remains blissfully unaware. Plastic tea bags are just another way for microplastics to end up in our body, and potentially in the environment. —————— Easy swap tip 🔄: Go for loose tea leaves and use a fun tea-ball instead! Or simply brew your own tea on the stove! 🔥 —————— You can find many more such tips to eliminate unnecessary and easily avoidable plastic in your daily life. REGISTER 📝 for the ULTIMATE PLASTIC DIET today! #linkinbio👆 🖼: @audevangalen . . . #ultimateplasticdiet #plasticdiet #teabag #plasticteabag #teaball #teaislife #plasticfreeliving #healthylivingtips #humanhealth #tea☕️ #registertoday‼️

Une publication partagée par Plastic Soup Foundation (@plasticsoupfoundation) le

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