Le youtubeur Nickster a refait le fameux « Face To face » de l’album Discovery des Daft avec des samples des années 2000 et c’est plutot bien foutu.
MGMT, LCD Soundsystem et System of Down dans ce rework de Face To face
Evidemment, le grand jeu c’est d’écouter cette version et de s’amuser à trouver les samples. Je t’ai donc mis les samples en dessous. Si j’ai bien suivi c’est dans l’ordre chronologique. Perso, même en sachant ou ils se trouvent, j’ai eu du mal à reconnaitre. Preuve (ou pas) que le résultat est vraiment très bon.
N’hésitez pas au passage à jeter un coup d’oreille sur le travail de ce producteur/youtubeur. Ses créations sont extrêmement intéressantes et ses mashups plutôt pas mal non plus.
LCD Soundsystem – Time to Get Away (main drums, used in place of:
Herbie Mann – Jisco Dazz)
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Can’t Stop (main guitar riff, used in place of:
Electric Light Orchestra – Evil Woman)
Sweet Trip – Conservation of Two (backing track for the “Can’t Stop” riff, not used in place of anything really)
Carly Rae Jepsen – Call Me Maybe (string pluck, used in place of:
Firefall – Body and Soul)
Kelly Clarkson – Since U Been Gone (short guitar chops, used in place of:
The Alan Parsons Project – Silence and I
Steppenwolf – Everybody’s Next One
The Doobie Brothers – It Keeps You Runnin’
Boz Scaggs – You Got Some Imagination)
Radiohead – Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (vocal samples, used in place of:
The Alan Parsons Project – Old and Wise (both the “aah” and “chase” samples))
Oneohtrix Point Never – Nassau (piano sample, used in place of:
Poco – Faith In the Families)
Sufjan Stevens – Concerning the UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois (other piano sample, used in place of:
Dan Mason – All Along the Watchtower)
Radiohead – 15 Step (vocal samples, used in place of:
Loggins & Messina – House at Pooh Corner
Electric Light Orchestra – Can’t Get It Out of My Head)
MGMT – Kids (“eeeee” vocal sample, used in place of:
Loggins & Messina – Be Free)
American Football – Never Meant (short riff sample, used in place of:
Deborah Washington – The Letter)
Wilco – Jesus, Etc. (chopped fiddle melody, used in place of:
Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg – Tell Me to My Face)
Sweet Trip – Pro:Lov:Ad (vocal sample, used in place of:
Carrie Lucas – Sometimes A Love Goes Wrong (btw, RHCP’s “Can’t Stop” takes up the first usage of this Carrie Lucas sample. This is the second instance of it later in the song)
Fishmans – Long Season (descending piano sample, used in place of:
Carrie Lucas – Something A Love Goes Wrong (alongside the Sweet Trip sample)
Boards of Canada – Alpha and Omega (chopped synth, used in place of:
Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg – Lahaina Luna)
System of a Down – Toxicity (two-note riff, used in place of:
The Doobie Brothers – South City Midnight Lady)
Lady Gaga – Poker Face (low-pitched synth bass during Todd’s verses, used in place of the track’s original bass (which isn’t sampled from anything but still decided to use one for this)
Estelle – American Boy (reversed chimes towards the end of the track, used in place of:
Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg – Twins Theme)