C’est le nouveau single de son prochain album « Everybody Needs A Hero » qui sortira le 4 octobre prochain.
« Late to The Party », le retour de la pop rock effrontée d’Orla Gartland
Alors ce n’est pas le premier single, mais j’avais pas vu la sortie des autres, donc on va dire que c’est le retour (en même temps ça date de 3 mois). Le morceau est plein de changements de rythmes alternant les passages calmes et un peu plus péchu. C’est léger, explosif et amusant à la fois. La dessus, il y a Declan Mc Kenna qui passe une tête (enfin sa voix). j’aime beaucoup. A propos du titre, Orla explique : « « Late To The Party » est une grande chanson capricieuse sur le ressentiment face aux bagages que l’on hérite lorsqu’on aime quelqu’un et sur le désir d’une époque où nous étions tous des pages blanches ».
C’est donc son quatrième single. Allez faire un tour sur youtube ou en stream pour écouter les autres, vous ne le regretterez pas.
lyrics :
See, I don’t like to think
About your lovers who came before me
But I know they exist
The ones that got away
I got problems to pick
With all your lovers who came before me
Okay, so maybe Rachel was right
Everybody just walks all over you
And now when we fight
I am on your side
See, I wouldn’t bite
Or try to change your mind
The room is falling around me
I’m clinging to the car seat
Late to the party
Let me go back, shake her hand
I wanna give her my thanks
For the damage she’s done
I’m late to the party, and I, I
I’m late to the party, and I, I
It’s all a part of the drill
Got big shoes to fill
I gave you your favourite T-shirt
She gave you your trust issues
Look back at it now
And don’t scribble it out
When all the words she said are in your head
She’s always there somehow
The room is falling around me
I’m clinging to the car seat
Late to the party
Let me go back, shake her hand
I wanna give her my thanks, oh
And she’s just like I suspected
A stranger but the two of us are connected
Let me go back, shake her hand
I wanna give her my thanks
For the damage she’s done
I’m late to the party, and I, I
Yeah, I’m late to the party
You have it, you pass it on
You want it, until you don’t
Don’t have it, don’t pass it on
You want it until it’s done
(Done, done, done, done, done, done, done)
See, it’s a dress rehearsal
Of pass the parcel
Her problem becomes your problem
And then that problem is mine
I’m late to the party, and I, I
The room is falling around me
I’m clinging to the car seat
Late to the party
Now let me go back, shake her hand
I wanna give her my thanks
I, I
The room is falling around me
I’m clinging to the car seat
Late to the party
Now let me go back, shake her hand
I wanna give her my thanks