On se met du cool dans les oreilles avec Hell N Back par Bakar
Bakar nous met dans les oreilles une instru soul pop addictive tandis qu’il nous parle d’une histoire d’amour. C’est une histoire difficile, une histoire entre un homme, une femme et pas mal de drogue. C’est celle d’un homme seul qui arrive à sortir du trou (ou environ). Il revient des enfers et c’est pourquoi ce morceau est aussi léger et ensoleillé. Le rappeur anglais nous balance des bonnes ondes dans les oreilles et je pense qu’on va pas cracher dessus.
C’est donc extrait de Will You Be My Yellow, son prochain ep qui sort en septembre prochain chez Black Butter Records.
LYRICS DE Bakar et Hell N Back :
Could you tell where my head was at when you found me?
Me and you went to hell and back just to find peace
Man, I thought I had everything, I was lonely
Now you’re my everything, I was lonely
I mixed a lot of love with a lot of drugs, then I found you
She liked petty crimes, she had green eyes like mine too
And where she go, I’ll never know
Her friends bounced too
I guess it’s their loss ’cause they’ll never know what we’ll amount to
Would you be my light, be my yellow?
walking down portobello
Put a smile on this face at the end of the day
MDMA helped us fly away
Who’da known, who’da known you would save my life?
Who’da known, who’da known you would fly my kite?
Could you tell, could you tell?
Could you tell?
Could you tell where my head was at when you found me?
Me and you went to hell and back just to find peace
Man, I thought I had everything, I was lonely
Now you’re my everything, I was lonely
Yeah, yeah
I remember, I remember
I was all alone
Late night you would call my phone
Just to check if I was blessed ’cause you knew I was low
Head gone rolling off the throne
I remember, I remember
We was in the park
Late night made love on the grass
Got my head in the clouds, counting all my stars
In my ears said the world was ours
Got to hell and back just to heal my wounds
‘Cause it gets like that, wrong side of the moon
No tomb can’t moon, you’re my Cleopatra
No side ting, don’t need a backup
Need a real one, don’t need an actor
And last one today, think you won a bafta
Come and be my girl, yeah
Could you tell where my head was at when you found me?
Me and you went to hell and back just to find peace
Man, I thought I had everything, I was lonely
Now you’re my everything, I was lonely
Yeah, yeah
Pépite, peut être à condition de citer ses sources car Il s’est pas trop foulé le BAKAR en plagiant toute la musique de ROBERT PARKER et de son magistral » I Caught you in a lie » sorti en 1967 sur NOLA. (CQFD)