On écoute « Cortana », le dernier single de Enola Gay extrait de son troisième ep Mournes.
« Tue une partie de toi-même juste pour améliorer ta santé
Mets ta vie de côté pour jouer les cartes qui t’ont été données »
À propos du nouveau single, Enola Gay explique :
« Cortana parle de la mort de l’innocence, de l’abandon insouciant de la jeunesse, du passage à l’âge adulte et de la confrontation avec la réalité du deuil. Les paroles traversent différentes étapes de la vie : la nostalgie de l’enfance, l’exploration tumultueuse de l’adolescence, puis le passage à l’âge adulte, la perte des êtres les plus proches et la croissance à travers l’expérience et les conséquences. »
Et ce qui est intéressant, c’est que le morceau montre ses différents passages avec des changements de rythme, presque des changements de style. Alors, certes, ça reste Post punk dans l’esprit avec un poil de New Wave mais on passe du presque pop à la limite du noise et c’est plutot bon.
lyrics :
Kill a part of yourself just to better your health
Put your life on the shelf to play the cards you’re dealt
Kill a part of yourself just to better your health
Put your life on the shelf to play the cards you’re dealt
Notches on bed frames and holes in the wall
Black cats in black bins
Dazed and confused on the big screen
Stuck in the mud, stood on the ground
Yokes that were sound, feet intertwined
Hide and seek less bleak
At the playground
Harp to Guinness, Sambuca grimace
Score note limits, lift without submersion wholly full of spirit
Crowning achievement getting into the bar
But if you made it this far it’s not without a few scars
But people change, the world keeps turning on
And you can’t keep the change, that you’ve been hurting for
The missing page, lost in the centrefold
You don’t run out of time, it just passes you by
Crying over the middle seat
Bumping Demon Days on CD
Custom games of Halo 3
Money was nothing and time was free
Cutting about with Basshunter on repeat
Smokin’ in car parks, quotin’ south park
Outside the offies with no ID strangers stroll by
“Yo run in for me”
It’s too late- if ya ran it a second time you’d finish first place
It’s not a waste if you make the choice to try to give your head space
Could you ever stand straight without falling from grace?
Feet groovin’ with your head in the speaker cone
Laying on your back in a field trying get home
Borrow from tomorrow but can never pay the debt owed
Didn’t think that it was detrimental found a cheat code
Twisted up in twilight
My dreams feel more lifelike
Despite pillars now crumbled by the skyline
I struggle to swallow all the words left in my throat
So condensed to a note
There’s no time left for speaking in quotes
Now the side of my eyes I caught sight of you grieving
No words no goodbyes only cracks in the ceiling
Your purpose in life was to give mine some meaning
So where was that when you were breathing?
Kill a part of yourself just to better your health
Put your life on the shelf to play the cards you’re dealt
(Better than before)
(I’m better than before)
But people change, the world keeps turning on
And you can’t keep the change, that you’ve been hurting for
The missing page, lost in the centrefold
You don’t run out of time, it just passes you by